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What People Are Saying...

Ladies, let me warn you, your ovaries are in danger of exploding when you get a taste of this sexy, tattooed, badass biker with his little girl.

Rosa's Reviews iScream Book Blog


I enjoyed reading this book so much. I fell in love with each character. I love the way the writer captures each personality with her writing. This book is steamy! REALLY STEAMY! But she captures the realness of combat stress PTSD, and crazy mistakes that turn out to be the biggest blessings. I loved it. I will be on the look out for more from this talented lady.

P.J.W., Tupelo, Mississippi


This is one of the best written books that I have read in a very long time!! You cant help but fall in love with Stephanie and Colton!! There are so many writers that churn out books that don't hook the reader. So many are decent reads at best. Not this book!! I was hooked from the beginning and enjoyed every word. Kristine Allen did such a great job with the subject of P.T.S.D. This book is at the top of my list as a must read. Cant wait for more books to be written by her. Like I said its a MUST Read!

BKeller, Amazon Reviewer


I read this book in two days. It kept me wanting more! I recommend this book to everyone that enjoys reading a very passionate love story!

J.B., Wallingford, Iowa


Best book in a long time. I really loved the book. It kept you in suspense hoping for a great outcome. The author did a wonderful job with the characters in describing them to where you can picture them in your mind as you read. They seem so real that you feel they are your friends. I can't wait for the next book to come out. Great job and keep writing.

Mira, Kindle Customer


Goodness. I couldn't put it down. I stayed up until almost day break until I found a spot that I felt comfortable enough to put it down for a few hours of sleep. Then picked it right back up again when I woke up. I couldn't stop. I may have yelled at Kristine a few times. Mostly into my empty house. And a few times on Facebook. I dont normally write reviews. But this one deserves it. I would give it 20 stars of I could. And that's not being biased. I've never had so many emotions go through me while reading a book. I honestly think my heart stopped a few times. This is a must read!

Amazon Customer

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